85 miles, 10.9 mph, 1520' elevation gain
(Concrete, WA to Surrey, BC)
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Highlights: reaching the Puget Sound, smelling fresh pine needles, crossing into Canada
Journal: [to come]

First view of the Puget Sound (near Bow)

Along Chuckanut Drive (south of Bellingham)

Looking east towards Mount Baker (north of Ferndale)

Canada, Eh? (near Blaine, WA)
Seems you enjoyed Chuckanut Drive (Rt 11) entry to Bellingham also. Nice ending note for my trip. Was interviewed yesterday for article in local newspaper about my trip. Felt the reporter just did not get it but we will see. WIll try to get copy to forward to you.
Not sure from the picture taken at the border if you are having any sucsess with your "lose some weight" goal. Stay out of those Canadian pizza joints! Hope they let you back in from BC. Not sure why anyone (me included) would want to return from the land with a funny weed (well some kind of vegatable)leaf on it's flag but you need to make it to S. Cal before immigrating to beautiful Canada. Joe
I'm so impressed with the photos. It seems like it's one view more beautiful/interesting than the next. You are doing so much on this fabulous trip. Looking forwarding to seeing you in SB.
Hi John,
Your photos are gorgeous. Makes me want to up and leave my flat Minnesota landscape and flee to Washington.
Got an odd object in the mail today...a frisbee that arrived in excellent condition. Once again it proves that you can mail almost anything. Once you get a real address (when might that be??), we can try to send a few strange items of our own to you and see what makes it through.
I'm so glad you followed through on your dreams and goals. It's an inspiration for all of us.
Good health and safe travels--
Minneapolis, MN
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