32 miles, 6.6 mph, 1860' elevation gain
(Lund's Landing to Williston, ND)
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Highlights: vicious 25+ mph headwinds, hilly terrain, 4 mph uphill speeds, no need for brakes
Journal: [to come]

Is something missing at the dock? How about some water! (Lund's Landing)

A sight for sore eyes after climbing the last hill of the day (just east of Williston)

Those boots were made for walkin' (east of Williston)

Your typical 13-car garage (Williston)
Hi John,
I just got caught up reading about your adventures so far. All the rain, and the broken spokes and all the other complications sound challenging. Hooray for you for keeping going. Keep your spirits up! You never know what strange and wonderful things / people you'll meet along the way...that you never would have met if you hadn't been following this quest.
Thanks for the Babe postcard. I've never seen Paul and the Ox in person. Now I've just gotta get there!
Happy September--
Hi John,
I agree that Lunds Landing to Williston was a challange. Strongest sustained winds I ever tried riding in this trip or ever! As I said when we started out that day. If it wasn't to get to Williston to the bike shop (that turned out could not help!), I would have just waited at Lund's Landing. Thanks again for sharing your rental van and picking up Michael at Minot. I had a great time with my oldest son during the week between Havre and Whitefish, MT. Just remember Gerald with the buggy eyes when you think of Lund's Landing, the Marina with no water.
Best regards,
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