67 miles, 10.2 mph, 1660' elevation gain
(Parshall to Lund's Landing, ND)
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Highlights: hot & hilly, very strong crosswinds (bad) & tailwinds (good), Lake Sakakawea, oil wells, sleeping in a teepee
Journal: [to come]

More rolling farmland (west of Parshall)

Earl Bunyon - "Cowboy of the Plains" (New Town)

The real climbing begins (leaving New Town)

Oil well (east of Lund's Landing)

My teepee - what a view! (Lund's Landing)
Oooo, sleeping in a teepee. You are having some adventures. Good luck with the winds.
Kristin and I will be on our way tomorrow. See you in Kalispel.
I'm looking forward to some clean air and open space.
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