43 miles, 9.0 mph, 2290' elevation gain
(La Canada Flintridge to Santa Clarita, CA)
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Highlights: Late start, bike issues, nervous about not making it, switched to Plan B (longer but less hills, more traffic but plenty of places to stay)
Journal: I've spent much of the past fortnight visiting friends & family in the Los Angeles area. Tomorrow I will commence the final segment of my 2006 ride: a 5-day, 250-mile trip north over the San Gabriel & Tehachapi Mountains up to Fresno (to pick up my car). I've been putting off this last bit of riding since (1) I'm not looking forward to the vertical climbing on the first day over the San Gabriel Mountains, (2) I'm being lazy and (3) I'm not ready for my adventure to end just yet.

Hansen Dam (southeast of San Fernando)

Last SoCal freeway interchange (approaching Santa Clarita)

Santa Clarita bike path at twilight
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