Saturday, July 01, 2006

About Me

  • Born in Paris, France in 1970
  • Grew up in Geneva, Switzerland (9 years) and Washington, DC (9 years)
  • Graduated from the University of Virginia in 1993 with a BS in Systems Engineering
  • Worked as an investment banker in New York for seven years, focusing primarily on domestic utility industry mergers & acquisitions
  • Traveled to New Zealand, Australia, Italy, France, Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia and Bhutan
  • Rode my bicycle 6,711 miles across the U.S. from California to Minnesota (via Florida) in the spring and summer of 2003
  • Returned to graduate school at UC Berkeley in the fall of 2003 to pursue a masters degree in city planning
  • Currently in the process of finishing the 11,000 mile around-the-country bicycle ride I started in 2003


Anonymous said...

John, Bike On!!

Glad to hear you are on you way.
You are very organized and adventuresom. You should do fine.
Kristin and I will meet you in Montana, I hope to make the lodge reservation today. I'll keep you posted.


Anonymous said...

Good Luck. You'll be traveling through some impressive country. Look forward to the updates.

Mike F.

Anonymous said...

Why am I still working while you ar still biking. Got your postcard and really glad to hear from you. I will be checking in, so keep reporting your progress.